
Asgore: *misses the relationship he had with his ex-wife but doesn’t harass her about it when she expresses her lack of interest*

Asgore: *felt that he had no choice but to kill the fallen children until he collected 7 souls because if he just absorbed one and passed through the barrier to ask the humans for help they would surely kill him like they did to Asriel*

Asgore: *truly doesn’t want to kill you and will procrastinate doing so, and upon being defeated will offer you his soul so that you can go through the barrier*

Asgore: *misses the happy life he used to have with his family*

Asgore: *probably has severe depression and literally commits suicide in one ending*

Asgore: *is a sweet person who gives people teacups as gifts*

Asgore: *mentored Undyne and loves her like a daughter*

Asgore: *trimmed a hedge so that it was in the shape of Papyrus’s smile*


Fandom: ew what a creepy loser he stalks his ex wife and killed children


Hi, I started this tumblr blog dedicated to my pixel animation! also maybe other stuff, but mostly pixel.




You’re gonna have a good time

Megalovania if it was in major key rather than minor key

Song plays during a montage of Frisk and Sans having good times.

Have some random heartwarm chickenscribbles to the music ♥


i know u still remember me right, big bone?