
Listen. Read. Educate yourselves. If you are unaware, fix that. Do not be complicit in the societal and legal oppression of transgender Americans.



I know everyone’s talking about how the cast of Danny Phantom is full of gay and trans characters exclusively to piss of Butch Hartman but let us not forget, Butch’s bread and butter, Fairly Odd Parents…

Timmy’s parents were 100% sure that Timmy was going to be a girl before he was born, as seen in the episode Secret Origin of Denzel Crocker.

Cosmo seems to be the only other one in the know about this, and has baby pictures of Timmy in a dress on hand

Then, in the episode The Boy Who Would Be Queen…

When Wanda does, inevitably, transform Timmy into a girl to teach him a lesson…

Cosmo immediately panics.

AND in the episode “It’s a Wishful LIfe” when Timmy wishes he never existed…

The Turners have a daughter instead.

In conclusion:

Timmy Turner is trans and used the power of one of his fairy godparents to wish that everyone in his life completely forget that he was born and raised female for a portion of his life, including his parents and his other fairy godparent.

Share to make butch hartman mad he accidentally keeps making characters trans







things i never expected to learn through a tedtalk but now am glad to know:

the founder of Sirius XM radio is a sapphic trans woman and is currently trying to preserve her wife’s consciousness in a digital file so her wife can be immortal in the body of a robot.

heres the tedtalk if you dont believe because everyone deserves to know this reality of the amazing world in which we live 

Holy shit you neglected to mention that when her daughter got a terminal disease with no cure or treatment possible she literally went to the library got some medical textbooks and taught herself enough biochemistry to actually begin developing a drug that halted the disease good god why have we never heard of this absolute genius


 YOU K N O W   W  H Y

Real life tony stark is a gay trans woman

Her name is Martine Rothblatt. She also founded United Therapeutics, which is a company that works to find cures for “””small””” diseases that don’t necessarily affect a lot of people. 

oh, yes–and she’s Jewish.

Here is a picture of Martine and her wife, Bina Aspen:









yall hear about fucking hb2796


I’m going to keep fucking reblogging this

No Federal civil rights law shall be interpreted to treat gender identity or transgender status as a protected class, unless such law expressly designates “gender identity” or “transgender status” as a protected class.

@yall I see ignoring this please dont. I get it its upseting, but this is IMPORTANT information that could SAVE our lives and our rights.

Also this boils down to stripping rights away from intersex and trans ppl from what I understand, meaning that we would no longer be protected under federal law. This is scary. Call your reps and get this shut down as soon as you can. We can beat this together. We need each other right now. Share this, spread this information.

how you can help:

call your local senator and representatives! websites like 5calls tell you your national representatives based on your location and if you use their mobile site, you can call those representatives through their site. they don’t yet have hb2796 on their site, but you can use their system regardless!

here is an example of something you can say: “My name is (your name) and I am a constituent in (your town/city/district).  I strongly oppose house bill 2796, which aims to remove gender identity protections from civil rights legislation by forcibly clarifying “gender” or “sex” to indicate only a person’s assigned gender at birth. Transgender people require civil rights protections as a vulnerable part of our population, and it is extremely important to me that they receive those protections. Thank you for your time and attention.”

IF YOU LEAVE A VOICEMAIL: leave your street address to ensure your call is tallied!

when you call, they will not argue with you, and basically just tally how many people contact them on a certain issue. also, if you want to support other issues on the 5calls site, don’t be afraid to make multiple separate calls! call volume matters and if you call more separate times it will be better.

Dammit I hate to use this blog for this but- from one trans guy to yall- this is important!

It looks like this bill isn’t getting fast tracked and is actually going through the entire legislative process so keep at it!



there is no medical component to a trans kid transitioning

if a little trans boy comes out to his parents & is like 4 all youd do for his transition is cut his hair, buy a new wardrobe, & switch pronouns & possibly change names

no one is gonna put a little 4 year old on testosterone OR puberty blockers until theyre actually about to start puberty & then they give them a few years to really decide if they want to start hormones

a trans kid existing isnt “child abuse.”
child abuse is refusing to let your kid live their lives as they truly are & forcing them to present as a gender they arent

radfems who interact with this post will be blocked & your argument will not be read or even considered. i do not care about the opinion of a transphobe & my original post still stands.









Being trans is not special or fun.

You need dysphoria to be trans.

Being cisgender is great.

Being trans is not your aesthetic.

Truscum/transmeds are the only ones who really care about trans people.

Hopefully, people like Skye are still a minority.
If you have gender dysphoria, I hope you will be alright. You can always talk to me if you feel bad

Also, sorry for my English mistakes

>> Visit my art blog [NSFW]

“Truscum/transmeds are the only ones who really care about trans people.”

Never mind that that’s not true; it’s outright manipulation of vulnerable people.

anyway, skye is a boy and i support him way fucking more than i would ever support truscum

I fixed it.

@vince-dafreak anyway you dont get to play god and decide peoples gender for them and you being a trans man doesnt give you authority over others peoples presentations and identities!


Truscums: wants you to hate yourself and kiss cis people’s asses

Trans people: want you to love yourself, dysphoric or little dysphoria

reblogging for the fixed editions.  


support trans men who name themselves after their favorite characters

support trans men who name themselves something “common” in the trans community

support trans men who have a name close to their birthname or some variation of it

stop shitting on trans men for their names. they already have to deal with enough people disrespecting them.



So, letting people be who they want to be is a good thing. That’s shocking I tell you, just shocking. All I want to know is, how much time and money went into this research when you could’ve just asked trans folks how they felt for free

The way research works is they probably did ask trans folks, and then systematically collected their responses. Research often is the collection of many many people’s responses, collected in a rigorous standardized way. They are not just saying “this is the case for some trans kids” they are saying “this is the majority experience” for the trans kids they studied/ which is a powerful and useful thing to be able to say.

Yes it seems obvious but especially with social justice and medical research even if it is well known having a peer reviewed paper saying means that when some cis person is arguing the opposite you have a peer reviews paper to go, “look it’s been studied you are wrong”.

Research studies inform policy and medical practice. It is a good thing that this paper has been made because it can be used as evidence.

Minority groups benefit from research that looks at how things affect them and gives them a voice that is harder for policy makers to ignore. Bashing this study because it is obvious isn’t helpful, this study could seriously help trans kids, especially if it had been published in main stream media, because parents who are cis and don’t know anything about trans issues or don’t know if anyone they know is trans might find out their kids are and search for info and this will pop up. And because it’s from a trusted source, it’s research! they might think “oh maybe the best thing I can do for my kid is let them transition”.

Poo pooing research that gives minorities a voice because it’s obvious for the maringalised group but not the hegemonic one hurts the marginalized group because the hegemonic group is the group that needs to learn how “obvious” it is.