


jeff bezos: now that i’m the richest man on the planet with a net worth of over 100 billion dollars

jeff bezos: how about i create new ways to fuck over my employees and underpay them

jeff bezos: i’ve got it, i’ll legally not pay them while they’re still on the clock, and i’ll get the supreme court to agree with me


Jeff Bezos currently has a net worth of $133.2 billion

It’s remarkable to me that he could personally afford to fix Puerto Rico’s critical infrastructure, and still be among the top 10 billionaires in the USA afterwards. He could afford to completely repair Puerto Rico and still have enough money to be in the top 20. 

Jeff Bezos could afford to personally end world hunger for a year and still be among the top 10 US billionaires. He could feed the entire planet for 3 years and still be in the top 20.

If you had $133.2 billion in a savings account with an interest rate of 0.06% (the average rate), you would receive $79.9 million in interest every year without having to do anything. All he needs to do is keep breathing, and he will make 57 times more this year than an average US citizen will make in their entire lifetime

He could spend $80 million this year and would not even notice its absence.

It’s estimated that it would take $55 million and a year of work to fix Flint, MI’s water supply. 

I’m just saying. 

I can’t imagine having that kind of money and NOT trying to help others with it.

“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power”
~ Abraham Lincoln

I guess we can all tell what kind of selfish character Jeff is.




you could curse a police officer out, kick their car, throw a temper tantrum and throw trash. and that still doesnt mean they get to kill you. what the fuck is wrong with yall? why do you think police get some special license to kill when they get disrespected?

if they cant do their job without murdering unarmed people, they dont deserve their badge, or anyones respect.

Except it isn’t always that simple.

Except it literally is. I deal with verbal and emotional abuse daily at my job. I get disrespected daily. I’ve had customers throw things at me. Not one of those situations have I ever felt the need to pull a gun on them and shoot them. In fact, I am expected to tolerate that kind of abuse with a smile and often times those people get rewarded for their behavior.

If a cop can’t deal with being disrespected without murdering people then they don’t need to be a fucking cop.








People keep asking who would do all the menial jobs if they didn’t have the threat of starvation hanging over their heads, but in my experience there are plenty of people who would be overjoyed to spend all day running minor errands for folks if they were allowed to tell the rude ones to fuck off.

If money wasn’t a problem, I actually enjoy the physical labor of my job and the sense of fulfillment at having something concrete I can look at and accomplish—it’s the being treated like a vending machine/punching bag while also making barely liveable wages that make the whole thing suck, not the work itself

I really enjoyed the tetris like feel of bagging groceries and stocking shelves for years. What wore me down was the inconsistent hours, bad pay, poor treatment of workers overall (they treated the elderly employees especially horribly) and nasty customers who I couldn’t tell off. 

For more pay, and more protection, I’d have happily stayed for a while longer.

I absolutely LOVE working early hours making coffee and tea and donuts and all that. I would fucking show up at 4am in the morning to work in a coffee shop that doesn’t have a manager constantly screaming at how long the line is and how many sales we need to make in an hour to reach our quota.

Like, I just really enjoy making food and mornings and people. 

Yeah tbh I really like selling phones and helping people understand their technology, I love helping people in general, if malwart wasn’t such a hell hole it’d be perfect

“But who would do all the menial jobs if we didn’t threaten people with starvation?”

Have you considered making them not menial?

1.(of work) not requiring much skill and lacking prestige.“menial factory jobs"synonyms:unskilled, lowly, humble, low-status, inferior, degrading;

The degradation of these jobs and the workers who do them is artificial and deliberate, made to justify the low wages and help reinforce the system that keeps people doing them despite said degradation.

It is entirely possible to create workspaces where the people who do these jobs are treated well, valued, allowed comfort and boundaries. This is a thing we can do.

there’s no such thing as unskilled jobs, just undervalued workers










Oh they’re going to need salvation.

Not just making it illegal, but making being gay punishable with death.

This is one of the many reasons why I walk by every single red bucket in the run-up to Christmas. They’re not getting my money, I don’t care how nice the people ringing bells are.

Ever since the time they threatened to close all their soup kitchens in NYC if a law that did something as simple as allow companies to extend spousal benefits to their employee’s same-sex domestic partners I have refused to buy from them or donate to them. 

It’s that time of year again! In case people don’t know… the Salvation Army is shitty peoples.

Also, the married women are not paid (and therefore can’t qualify for assistance if they should ever divorce, etc). And worth “of course” less than a man.

In the Army’s case, the agreement for compensation is that the officer allowance be paid jointly to the husband—the check is written in his name. Officially, the wife is a “worker without expectation of remuneration,” and her husband receives 40 percent more of an allowance as a married man than he would as a single man.


hey since that season is coming up again!

(&:) Be sure and wish every bell-ringer in your neighborhood a Merry Kiss My Ass this holiday season~! 😀

Be nice to the bell ringers, they most likely have no idea about this.  If you really want to do something to the bell ringers, try talking to them about this and ask them if they know. 

And shop at Target because they don’t allow the Salvation Army there.

Reblogging for the last comment especially.  The Salvation Army is shitty but it’s been an institution for a very long time, and a lot of regular folk have no idea about these things.  They just want to help the poor and think this is a good way to do it.

We can fight an institution without being dicks to people who genuinely mean well.

It is all about protecting YouTube creators! – European Commission – Medium


You guys can stop poking me about “EU saving youtubers” already.

Seriously. Is this supposed to calm me and stop my efforts to stop Article 13? EU deciding to spare a huge ass cooperation because they can afford the bribe is not the EU “Saving” the day. That’s heavily loaded positive words to diverse us. It’s about youtube buying itself out of the Article 13 dangerzone. Not about content creators. They just happen to realize they need the content creators to keep business going.

What about the other platforms with less backing to bribe EU for a loophole? “Saving youtubers” doesn’t save content creators on tumblr, facebook, 9gag, twitter, instagram, minds, deviantart, and so on. 

Using positive loaded words like this is a horrible diversion from the fact that EU is still making scummy decisions outside the wish of the citizens. Yes, I’m happy to know I won’t be perma-blocked from youtube after all if Article 13 manages to be put into power. But what about other sites? And what about EU actually for once realize they are fecking up instead of diversing us by claiming themselves to be saving the day when deciding to NOT step down on those who can afford the bribe?

Sorry for the rant, but I’m getting tired of the people poking at me for any excuse to make me stop pointing out the dangers of Article 13. People who apparently can’t see EU do anything wrong. I’m not saying EU is a Council of Pure Evil™, but that’s no excuse to just ignore what they do of bad.

It is all about protecting YouTube creators! – European Commission – Medium





These people are, in fact, actually evil and completely lacking in any sort of empathy for their fellow humans.

This is not an exaggeration. 

Literally laughing at young children. Being tear-gassed.

There are Disney cartoon villains who wouldn’t even do that.  

I know people like to say “nazis are people” but they’re fucking not, they’re daemons, and they want to create a literal Hell on Earth

Don’t look away from this. Don’t be silent. Hold them accountable, hold their supporters accountable. Make it clear that this is not right, not welcome, and that it is answerable. Force acquaintances and relatives who prop these people up to look at this, make them explain it to you. Demand they tell you why they’re okay with it so they have to say it out loud. Make them uncomfortable. Make them see it. Make them answer.

Also, putting the torture of a poor family that has traveled miles and miles looking for a place to rest and escape danger on your Christmas card is…staggeringly ironic in the worst possible way









Watch: It’s your right to share your salary, not doing so could be holding you back.

At my last company, one day someone in accounting approached me at lunch and quietly told me I need to ask for a raise because I was way underpaid.

They gave me a number to shoot for.  It was about twice than what I had been making at the time.

So I went online, did some research, found some figures backing up my claim, put it all together and went to my boss.

I got what I asked for.

If it hadn’t been for that person in accounting telling me I was way underpaid, I’d have never known.  I went from barely scraping by to being able to have a savings account and getting all my debts paid thanks to them.

You should at least check sites like salary.com to start the process of seeing what you should be making.

Because this is crucially important

Except for the fact that 90% of the time you are under contract not to talk about your salary otherwise the company can sue you. Every job I’ve had I’ve had to sign that I won’t discuss my pay with other employees otherwise my employment is terminated and the company will take legal action. 

It’s actually illegal for companies to forbid wage discussion, they’re just counting on you not knowing your rights.



If you scrolled right past this – GO THE FUCK BACK UP – this is a huge PSA

jfc I’ll be having some words with some folks






as a general rule. if what we’re calling ‘cultural appropriation’ sounds like nazi ideology (i.e. ‘white people should only do white people things and black people should only do black people things’) with progressive language, we are performing a very very poor application of what ‘cultural appropriation’ means. this is troublingly popular in the blogosphere right now and i think we all need to be more critical of what it is we may be saying or implying, even unintentionally.

There is nothing wrong with everyone enjoying each other’s cultures so long as those cultures have been shared

Eating Chinese food, watching Bollywood movies, going to see Cambodian dancers, or learning to speak Korean so you can watch every K drama in existence is totally fine. The invitation to participate in those things came from within those cultures. The Mexican family that owns the place where I get fajitas wants me to eat fajitas. Their whole business model kind of depends on it, actually. 

If you see something from another culture you think you might want to participate in, but you don’t know if that would be disrespectful or appropriative, you can just…ask. Like. A Jewish friend explained what a mezuzah was to me, recently. (It’s the little scroll-thing near their front doors that they touch when they come into their house. It basically means “this is a Jewish household.”)

“Oh, cool,” I said. “Can I touch it? Or is it only for Jewish people?”

“You can touch it or you can not touch it,” she said. “I don’t care.”

“Cool, I’m gonna touch it, then.”


It’s not hard.

You want to twerk, twerk. I’ve never heard a black person say they didn’t think anybody else should be allowed to twerk. Just that they want us to acknowledge that they invented that shit, not Miley fucking Cyrus.

this is a good post.

Thank you, I was trying to sort this out in my head but you explained it very well.

#free exchange of culture is great – taking that culture without invite and pretending yours is an original take#(worse still profiting off it)#is cultural appropriation (by @gnimaerd)













do u guys understand how creepy the pledge of allegiance is though like every day when ur a kid everybody just chants how great america is every morning it’s creepy

You do that every morning???




is this a real thing i thought that was just in the simpsons

no son

Wait, other countries don’t do this.

*whispers* Not even Russia

I remember when my dad had a conversation with me

because I asked him what the Austrian pledge of allegiance was (because he’s from Austria)

and he said “we don’t have a pledge of allegiance”

and I said “why not?”

“honey, think about what training your children to mindlessly pledge to a flag, without really knowing what they’re talking about, sounds like to Austrians”

“oh. hitler.”



EVERY – FUCKING – DAY?!?!??!!!!!

Yep, every day. When you’re made to do it daily from childhood, you don’t realize how fucked up it really is.

Hate to slap on a story here, but you know what honestly sucks? You used to get punished and belittled if you didn’t do the pledge. I found it really creepy when we first started to learn it and would normally do stuff like mouth the words, replace with other words, or keep my head down while they spoke so no one could see if I was doing it or not. Teachers of course didn’t like that.

I remember a lot of my teachers yelling, calling me a privileged brat, refusing to start class, even threatening to call my parents because the pledge didn’t fly with me. One even started going on about how I was part of a “devil cult” and that I should fear god cause I’m CLEARLY a catholic (she was white, stereotyping a tiny Mexican with no religion, you can see where this goes). Another actually grabbed her fucking keys and chucked them into the wall, nearly hitting a kid and also stabbing them deep in the wall because I didn’t even want to stand up that day. I remember every horrible interaction with it and every word they threw at me, all because I wouldn’t pledge to an old flag innan old classroom.

But, I also remember the first day of high school. The kids rose up dead on schedule, all hands on their heart, and I remained in my seat with my eyes closed tight. But when the chants didn’t come, I opened them to find my new history teacher standing in front of class with her arms crossed over her chest and a sharp glare that silenced everyone. “No, we’re not mindless drones, we don’t do that at this school. If you wanna pledge yourself to this nation like that every day you can do that at home, but in this class we’re gonna learn what that kind of hive mentality has done in the past. Now everyone sit down, and let’s start learning something much, much more fun.”

Never have I ever wanted to cry so hard in class. She later pulled me aside to tell me she was proud I tried to sit through it and reassured me it wasn’t something to be ashamed about. I saw through the lie, and she nor any other teacher there was going to punish me for it.

I love where I live. I was born and raised here, I’m as American as they come. But the pledge is an absolute nightmare that’s taught from kindergarten up, and honestly? It’s not even in our constitution to do it, as many try to argue it is. The pledge was a late 19th century scare tactic that was created specifically against the oncoming pour of immigrants, based deeply in racism and to “ensure” that they truly were a part of this country.

“If you can’t pledge your loyalty every day to this flag, then you are scum, you’re not allowed to exist here.”

Nothing but a scare tactic, nothing but old nationalism.