








Blech. No one wants your terfy organs anyway…

Imagine being such a selfish, evil, didgusting person that you would take yoirself off of a list that literally saves lives, including those of babies, children, and pregnant people, JUST so that after you fucking die your uterus will get buried with you instead of being used by a transgender person, (or a cis person who just happens not to have a functioning uterus.)

Anyway, who else plans to be an organ donor as soon as possible? I know I sure do!

Does anyone want my uterus now? I’m not using it. Husband and I aren’t having kids and if I change my mind I’ll adopt one of the thousands of children who need families.

They can have mine as well. Mine is nearing it’s end of life, though. It’s has about 9 to 10 years use left.

Somebody please take my fucking uterus.

Never prouder to be on this list…
if anything happens to me, I’m so happy to know that even more of my old parts could be used to change someone else’s life.

Take mine now

If I were a woman, please take my uterus.