

This thing has taken up the majority of my time for the past month. Meet CheeryBot, a little ghost who believes in you and cheers you on while you work on your computer! Or while you mess around on it or whatever.

What’s a Ghost?
A ghost (also called an Ukagaka or Nanika) is a little desktop character that you can interact with. If you know what a shimeji is, a ghost is similar, but they don’t duplicate and can have more complexity and interactivity.


  • She’ll randomly say things as she sits on your desktop. Most of her dialogue are things like asking about your day and cheering you on while you work. As you interact with her, she might start saying more or different things! You can change how often she talks (or make her keep quiet) in her config menu.
  • She has sound effects! You can toggle them in her config menu. “On” means she’ll always have sound effects, “Less” means she’ll only make sounds when you interact with her, and “Off” turns off sound effects completely.
  • If you move your mouse back and forth on the top of her head, you can pet her! You can also double-click the top of her head. Double-clicking on other parts of her face pokes her, though, so be careful! Double-clicking her body will bring up her menu.
  • Cheery has a number of menus where you can tell her how you’re feeling, how your day has been, and what you’ve done that day. She’ll remember what you tell her, and she might bring it up later! There are some option within those menus that will appear and disappear as you interact with her as well.
  • All of her advice is fairly temporary – I’ll be adding different lines and reword the current ones in the future. Also, the different options are bound to change/expand too, as I come up with more things she can give advice on.
  • Cheery comes with two different shells, which is basically her “skin” or how she appears. She’s got her default shell and a shell that puts a pink outline around her, in case you have a dark background! You can change her shell from both her right-click and her config menus.

Installation instructions and download links are under the cut.

Keep reading

awww SHE’S ADORABLE OMG i can’t help petting her every time she says something nice to me