
Hi, I started this tumblr blog dedicated to my pixel animation! also maybe other stuff, but mostly pixel.




Me to american animation: I know your stories are great buy why does your animation suck so bad?

American animation: We have to create simplified characters to make the movement faster and more creative and interesting.

Me glancing at Japan: 

Me: k.

Hey you know what studios do in America? Due to animators unionizing, instead of paying all the animators proper wage they started sending animation to be done over seas to lower labor costs. Now most studios’ animation are shipped to Korea and China and etc., which means the designs for the characters have to be simplified for easy character animation. Not to mention the history of American animation overall and how the American cartoon style has led towards more simplified styles over the years.

Also animation in Japan, while it does have plenty sakuga stuff, are actually just budget dumps for the best fight scenes. During normal scenes, characters can be very static and has a lot of holds. There’s also the mouth-flapping thing that a lot of animators in America detest. Everything is revolved around budgets for both countries. For America, to pay animators working wages they decided to cut costs and ship labor overseas. For Japan it means terrible working hours and labor, where plenty of animators have fallen ill or even die in their own cubicles.

So watch your fucking language and learn animation history. People like you are the reason why a lot of studios are cutting costs on their workers in America.

“why is your animation so bad?” *posts gif of good animation*