


Any amount, even just a few dollars, would be a big help from you guys! 


there’s a new dove self-esteem project x steven universe e-book that lets kids personalize their own book, including choosing their own pronouns, and it’s very cute (click for better quality)

Sbnkalny is offline because I am currently homeless




I really don’t like posting on her blog myself but I’m in a situation that warrants it. Me and my girlfriend were kicked out by our roommates a couple of weeks ago, so I drove to Los Angeles with her to try and find a programming job there. However, we don’t have the money to last us much longer, so I’m posting here to ask for help.

My paypal is mraof@mraof.com, if you could donate there I would greatly appreciate it. I also have a patreon at https://www.patreon.com/mraof, but as I have a more immediate need for money I would prefer donations to my paypal.

Me and my girlfriend Ashley also need temporary housing, we are both trans women and both have cars.

If you have any leads for programming jobs in the LA area (or remotely), contact me at mraof@mraof.com. Other than sbnkalny, I’ve written the Minecraft mod Minestuck and various other mods and small projects, you can check out the source of a lot of what I’ve done (including sbnkalny) at https://github.com/mraof/

Update: Thanks to people’s help we’re no longer homeless and might be able to afford a bed, though we’re still in the same situation regarding jobs so job leads would be very useful (especially for programming jobs near North Hollywood)

Ashley said the way I worded it was confusing, so to clarify: we have a place to stay now, but we’re not in the clear, we do still really need money




I’m lovin it.

This post fails to include the entire context and point of this stunt, which was to protest the lack of Asian representation in US media and advertising. And the legit HEIST including fake McDonalds uniforms that they had to pull off to get it up

(Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/blogs-trending-45402404)

Guys, there’s a follow up:

McDonald’s wants more Asian-American representation in their marketing, and is going to feature both Maravilla and Toledo in an upcoming campaign. But the good news doesn’t end there — each will be given a $25,000 check for their participation in the promotion.

They were on the Ellen Show. (video)

As far as the picture goes, a member of McDonald’s corporate office reached out and told them it had to be removed for renovation purposes, but it was going to be auctioned off and the proceeds would go to the Ronald McDonald House Houston charity.


“lol the only people mad about the tumblr announcement just want porn lol”

Yeah, no.

Tumblr blocked the tag “chronic pain” in this mess for no reason

They’re flagging commonly used tags by queer people, sex educators, and artists who make their fucking LIVING on tumblr

They’re gonna take down genuine sex workers because they didn’t curb
the problem with spamming porn bots YEARS ago when tumblr users REPORTED
OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND *OVER* that it was a problem

IGNORED the bots, IGNORED the problems, and honestly treated it like
NOTHING until their app was taken off a store due to it.

fucking over a shit-ton of REAL PEOPLE who rely on tumblr for community
and/or income because they ignored users’ complaints about shitty porn
bots for YEARS until it had financial consequences

I can no longer even talk about chronic pain without the post being blocked from searches

I have drawn one or two nude pieces on my art tumblr which is 99% safe
for work but now I’m worried the blog will be taken down entirely
because Tumblr won’t bother differentiating between spam and REAL PEOPLE
just trying to live their goddamn lives

And god forbid I want to
talk about bisexuality or sex or kink in just… MY LIFE. As a
normal-ass human being who just wants to TALK ABOUT HUMAN THINGS

No, their solution to nuke a problem they’ve ignored for years is to take us all down at once

So maybe don’t laugh about “oh no not my pornz” because 1. plenty of
that ~porn~ is made by actual humans making their living and 2. WAY MORE
than “just porn” is being targeted

This along with Facebook
continuously upholding white supremacy by letting nazi shit fly by while
they ban people for speaking out against their oppressors and it’s
basically like we’re running out of truly free places to just… BE



Workers, when have you said “fuck this, I quit”?

I used to work at McDonalds (I know). Opening usually involved me at the front counter with a headset on so I could do drive-through orders and handle making coffee / putting orders together / taking money at the front from the little old people that came in at the crack of dawn every morning. We would also have a manager who was there to be important and one person in the kitchen. We’re a small rural town so usually this is fine but we were on kind of a major highway so sometimes it would get busy out of nowhere.

Depending on the manager the amount of help we had would vary wildly. One morning we got super busy and I started cracking under the pressure. I’m a fantastic multi-tasker but my drive-through line was backing up since I was trying to juggle them and all the walk-in folks from my front registers and when it gets packed…well, it’s fun. I glance around trying to find my manager for help. I see him on one of our cameras – he’s outside smoking a cigarette around the side of the building. Mind you, this is like his third trip out to smoke this morning. I’m absolutely dying trying to get caught up. Customers are being passive aggressive saying they will come behind the counter and get their own coffee and stuff. I have people yelling at me in my headset from the drive through. I end up having to remove the headset just to try to get the frontline sorted. I start making progress with the front but I basically had to sacrifice the drive-through customers for two minutes.

Apparently the cars outside start yelling at my manager and interrupt his smoke break so he comes in, sees me with my headset off and goes berserk. He’s like “WHOS TAKING THE DRIVE-THRU ORDERS?” I’m in the middle of trying to get a fresh pot of coffee going so I sort of auto-respond “No one. Hang on.” as I continue to dash around behind our counter to grab a fruit & yogurt parfait for an order. He basically gets in my way and starts giving me shit. Loudly, talking to me like I’m a dog. I point to the camera and yell, loudly enough to disrupt the entire inside of the restaurant. “I’m these two registers, first window, second window, and I’m bagging. I’m like FOUR PEOPLE and you’re out behind the building not doing SHIT!”

His eyes go wide. I can tell he knows I’m holding on by my last thread. He’s sighs. And he’s like “You’re in a ton of trouble but we can talk about this later.” No. Fuck him. I’m done. I’m all riled up from random customers yelling at me. I toss him the headset. “You want to give me shit for not being able to run like four stations with no support? Run five. I’ll watch.” I remove my name badge.

He went to say something to me. I turn away, facing the one girl working in the kitchen who is watching this all play out. I remember telling her “I’m so sorry.” and then I dropped my name badge, toss my hat on the counter, grab a water cup, put on (and zip) my jacket so my uniform is covered up. I go to the drink fountain, fill my water cup, and then I go sit on the far side of the seating area and watch him go down in flames. He ends up ALSO taking off the headset and picking up the phone so he can spam call the whole workforce one by one trying to call for help. It’s like 5AM so no one is going to accept a call from their work number. About ten minutes into his struggle he ends up very loudly pleading with me to come back from behind the counter. I can’t even see him on the other side of the sea of people swarming the counter at this point.

I call back “I need a smoke first!” and I go outside.

I don’t smoke. I’ve never smoked. I drive home.

He ended up losing his job.

If you think your art blog is going to be deleted:




You can save all your posts with these instructions
I’ll do it too just to be safe, I honestly don’t remember what I’ve posted here over the years.

You can also import a copy of your blog into wordpress. YMMV if you have a huge amount of posts.

Oh thanks!! This is also a good one!! In case the first doesn’t work or you don’t have the memory for a whole zip of your blog~

Tail-Blazer Migration. Please Share.


Hey there. It appears that Tumblr has updated its Terms to where NSFW imagery (illustrations included) are a ban-warranting offense. Starting on December 17th.

People have begun to ask me where they can find my content, given I have a lot of uncensored work on here. You can find me at the below links.

Patreon, for absolutely everything I post (uncensored) and bonus stuff

DeviantART, for materials that can be censored in line with DA policy. Nearly everything I post goes here:

FurAffinity, to find uncensored and fur related works. Uncensored Ms. Rabbit and Mr. Hare pages will be put up here after Patreon.

Twitter, for uncensored, less bizarre material

Youtube, for more mild animation and compilations

Shoot I even have a Newgrounds where I can post uncensored.

If you need to contact me about needing to find me, feel free at Tail-Blazer@hotmail.com 

My Discord is Tail-Blazer#7384. I won’t accept your friend requests, but I’ll answer your questions.

Please share this to anyone you know follows me and may need this kind of update.