
Blind is an anonymous community app for the workplace, allowing users to chat honestly with verified professionals in a truly anonymous and safe environment. 

The way we engage in conversations about career and work today is fundamentally broken. At Blind, we’re on a mission to flatten professional barriers and bring transparency to the workplace. Transparency results in voice and voice results in change – often for the better. 

Recently, we surveyed more than 3,000 users on Blind, asking them if they felt comfortable going to HR to report sexual harassment, and the results are quite eye-opening. Overall, a whopping 42.76% of employees responded that they do not feel comfortable going to HR to report sexual harassment.


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At six of the top 20 tech companies, 50% or more of employees surveyed do not trust reporting sexual harassment to HR at their company.






How am I supposed to give this bird back to his owner when we’re starting a temptations cover band?

Excuse me this is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen

Where can I get tickets to the concert?

Awww jammin’ rainbow bird!🤗


The original version of Monopoly was actually created in protest of monopolies. The inventor, Elizabeth Magie, believed in a system of shared land value and designed the game as a teaching tool to address the problems and immorality of land monopolies – but she only made about $500 off of her game because some guy stole her idea, sold it to Parker Brothers, and kept all the royalties for himself. Source Source 2








Japanese Sumo robots

this is the funniest gif i’ve seen all week what the fuck is going on

the best part is this isn’t even HALF the relentless bullshit insanity that goes on in robot sumo wrestling, a sport where the contestants are all hyperfast robots with scoop attachments and preprogrammed moves. 

(this one wants to be a beyblade when it grows up)

the idea is to include as many unique moves as you can, to make your shrieking deathbot difficult to counter

or dodging. that works too.

also, some of the speed demons have… unorthodox attachments to fool other bot’s sensors


robot sumo is also a sport where spectators may end up taking a small robot to the shins if they aren’t careful.


I hope you enjoyed our foray into madness!


Y’all. Looking at professionally made sumo robots is great. You know what’s better though? Looking at extremely UNprofessionally made sumo robots.

Here enjoy.

oh my god please watch this video

“she gave up looking for the robot and sent us a photo of her having a beer. the crowd applauded this act of supreme crappiness.”

one robot is just a kleenex box with a bunch of dildos on it, one does nothing but shake a packet of instant soup, i love humanity so much right now






i spent christmas alone while my family got together and fought, and honestly i feel so good about this

i bought myself presents, cooked a big meal, drank wine and watched Home Alone 3 w/ my dog. I don’t feel sorry for myself at all.

meanwhile my sister threatened to disown my dad so he threatened to disown her, while my mom enabled and my other sister downed a bottle of wine to deal.

on the other side of the country, i was busy discovering, to my delight, that the that the 3rd installment of the Home Alone franchise not only stood up to the test of time, but contains some of the best oneliners and comedic timing I have ever seen.

honestly, keep toxic people out of your life. family isn’t everything, and bad family is often worse than no family. don’t be afraid to put in some distance, especially during high stress times like the holidays. you don’t actually owe them anything.

being alone for the holidays is so much better than being with people who make you unhappy.